Category: uPVC Windows

How To Repair Misted Windows

How To Repair Misted Windows

Condensation on windows is something that can’t be avoided in most cases. Humidity levels and wet weather cause the inevitable build-up we see in both traditional and double glazed panes. There is also the issue of misting that can occur in double-glazed glass, especially if you have older uPVC windows.

Plastic framed double glazed windows came onto the market in the late 80s, and these replaced the older aluminium framed examples. Although the edges on the pane are sealed to prevent moisture getting in between, in reality, most things degrade over time and so do uPVC windows. Newer models have guarantees, but if you’ve started noticing moisture build-up on the inside of your older double glazing, there are a few solutions to fix it. Companies like The Window Medic specialise in the repair of misted windows.

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How to adjust UPVC windows

How to adjust UPVC windows

If you have had a set of UPVC windows installed for quite some time, and are concerned that they have warped or are not fitting correctly, then you may be considering adjusting them.
If you have a bit of DIY knowledge, you may feel confident enough to adjust and fix the problem yourself. However, this might be a little more tricky than you expected. …

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